
There is something about taking a picture of moment. It is captured, paused in time. Life might go fast; moments might not last forever, but a picture--a picture lets you go back to the moment as many times as you want. It lets you relive the moment. 
{below pictures are of my neighbor, whom is like a little sister to me}

  The captured moment of a girl and her two puppies--they ran through the yard, careless of falling. The sun went down, leaving only their silhouettes to be seen. Laughter echoed through the country hills. It was a precious moment to watch.

    The captured moments of the time you sat in the woods, dead silence, no distractions, and suddenly noticing things you wouldn't normally notice. One-strand spider web dangling between two blades of grass-- spied an ant crawling about-- radiant sunshine glowing on the pony's eye lashes and mane. Theses are the special little moments. 

   If at the end of your day, you have over 200 pictures in your camera. . . that's a good thing. That means you had quite a few amazing moments. Whether it be as small as sitting in your special nook during a rainy day-- to traveling to some wonderful place. Whatever it may be, capture it. 



{P.S. I got a pony. I am in love with it. More pictures to come.}

{P.S.S More "captured" moments to come in the future.} 


  1. A pony?! OO, I can't wait for more pics! Those puppies are so adorable♥


  2. YOU GOT A PONY?!?!?!? Awesome!!!!! :D Your pictures, and your words always captivate me. This post was no exception :)

    Missing you and your wonderful emails,
    Maple Syrup <3

  3. yes. this is precious. yesyesyes :))
    -jocee <3

  4. you did NOT get a pony {gasp gasp} when can i come visit?

    you captured what taking photos is all about cindi, yes!!! you beautiful soul you.

    1. Hahaha, yes. I am pretty excited about it. Thank you so very much! :))

