Because It Felt Like the First Day of Spring

{written Sunday night}

     Because it felt like the first day of spring, and it was bright and windy and lovely, I decided to attempt to make us a picnic dinner. My mother is the most amazing and wonderful cook and baker, you can ask anyone. She can literally make anything and everything taste delicious. I love her food, everyone loves her food. Let's just say I sadly usually do not carry on that trait{apples sometimes fall far from the tree?}. Nevertheless, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and cook because it felt like the first day of spring and when it feels like the first day of spring you must celebrate. Now when I say "cook", I mean I made sausage patties, over-easy eggs, toast, and sliced oranges--all of you foodies and cooks may giggle, but for me it was a proud moment ;). 

      The sun had almost completely set, there was only a bit of light left--the world had a gray and purple and blue and green tone. It felt more like a summer evening rather than a spring, the warmth with a tidbit of a breeze soaked into our skin like the sand soaking in the ocean. I grabbed our blue and white checkered picnic blanket and threw it across or picnic table, which took several times since it was a little windy and the wind kept making the blanket stick to me{I am sure it was a hilarious sight}. I carried, more like juggled, all the plates of food out to the table. I set out the not-too burnt sausage patties, a little over-fried eggs, toast, orange juice in my favorite glasses, and sliced oranges in an adorable bowl. We all scurried to the picnic table with our hungry stomachs and scarfed down our delicious sausage patties, slightly burnt eggs, toast, and sliced oranges. The surroundings around us, from the super green grass to the painted blue and purple and pink sky to the budding trees showed God's beauty. It was a time of shooing away cats, talking and enjoying each other, praying, eating simple foods, and having a picnic dinner because it felt like the first day of spring. 

 What are you doing this spring? 



  1. this is such a lovely post. it's summer break here, and there's a whole lot to do. x

  2. prettiful girl. so prettiful.

  3. Oh, Cindi, this is incredibly beautiful. xx

  4. Awesome(: Felt like I was there!

  5. Those actually look quite good. :) I love eating outside when I get the chance to! It makes it much more...I dunno...delightful? Different?

    Love you,

  6. Gosh, I look foward to your posts so much girl! The pictures in this post were beautiful, as always! :) Eeeek, you have a new blog header! It's so stinkin' adorable girlie! I love it!
    xoxo, em
