This Week?

             This week? I experienced joy, sadness, boredom, inspiration, un-inspiration, excitement, and adventurousness. The sun came up and went down seven times each. I captured almost every sun set, and got just as excited as I was the time before.  I spent most mornings at swim practice for two hours, and taking three hour naps in the afternoon. I spent my mid-afternoons by our tiny blow-up pool imagining I was on the ocean.  I said good-bye to my "siblings".  I realized that after months of saving  I will be able to get my first "good" lens in a week--now to decide which one I want to get{50mm or 100mm?}. I think I will be going with the 50mm. 

              I realized what the meaning of adventure is--it is the magnificent adventures of having morning picnics, wandering in the woods, traveling to beautiful places, snorkeling in the ocean at night to the simple ones of laughing with my family, spending a day with little kids, eating snow cones with your sister, and having amazing conversations about life with friends. Adventure is adventure no matter how big or how small{Horton Hears a Who much?}. Adventures aren't just the wonderful ones, they are also the hard ones that you didn't choose to go on. Sometimes you'll hate them, but in the end they are stories to be told. They are the ones that are messy and beautiful. I think I love adventure--most of the time. ;) 

Now, here are the millions of pictures from this week... 


 While taking the first picture, I accidentally hit the pot and it fell over. That explains the dirt all over. 
One of the many sunsets captured.
One of the four baby bunnies. 
Snow cones! 
Cutest. kid.ever. 
One of thee baby kitty's. :) 
Summer. Summer. Summer. 

Linds, I love this picture of you. :) 

 blurry. woops. 

      I've decided that the hardest part about writing a post is deciding what the title should be. Is that just me? 

Tell me about your week. 

P.S. Giveaway tomorrow! :) 


  1. Ohmygoodness!! These are all so amazing!! I can't pick a favorite!!! Can't wait for tomorrow!!! ;) :)


    p.s. I too have a hard time picking post titles.. All the time!!

  2. Aw, I really, really loved this post dear!! Lovely photos!! Yay, on saving enough for your 50 mm lens!!! I'm still saving for mine! :) Haha, oh, I couldn't agree with you more! I can't tell you how many times I sit at the computer for about ten minutes trying to come up with a title!


  3. I can't wait for summer... I can't wait to be able to blog about adventures!! I can't wait to have adventures with you!! :D I love you girl!!! And your right... Blog post titles are the hardest to figure out..

  4. Looks like a beautiful week! And, you are so write about naming posts.

  5. I will be getting the 50mm next... (A long time from now! :P) Go with the 50mm! :)

  6. Your photos are so beautiful!! :)
    Kimmy xxx

  7. Adventures truly are the best :) And no, lol, you're not the only one who has a hard time deciding on a post title :b

  8. I love everything about this post! Beautiful! - I started a new weekly link up today called Weekend Wrap-Up where we share photos taken over the weekend. Maybe you could link up and share with us!

  9. Loved this post, and these pictures are just lovely. The kitty is the cutest :) This week I also experienced sadness in dealing with the loss of a friend, and also joy with new exciting things in life. I thing life is always a mix of things isn't it!? ;)

  10. Aw, the kitty! I just found you. I love your blog. I'm a new follower.

  11. LOOK at that kitty!!! kittens are THEE cutest, they might even be cuter than puppies, ssshhh don't tell anybody I said that :o

    you are so right about adventure, i so agree


  12. What a lovely blog:)And those pictures above are just so amazing!Following your blog now:)


  13. Great pictures! I completely agree with you!!! Ill write a post and then ill sit and think what the title should be, it stinks.

  14. These pictures are SO great! That kitty is adorable! That bunny is a cute little bundle, and that icy look heavenly! I want one! lol :)
