Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Picnic

       The other day I got to hang out with my lovely friend, Em, whom I haven't seen for awhile. We decided to go have a wonderful picnic. We grabbed the picnic basket, cameras around our necks, and off we went. We picked the perfect spot--right under a tree by their beautiful little pond. The weather was just perfect. We sat there rambling from one topic to the next. After we finished some delicious little cookies and sliced apples, we stalked her cat, trying to to take pictures of it. To end the day, we went on a golden hour photo shoot and then attempted to make a vlog--which didn't work out too well, because we laughed every five seconds. 

 Em{on the left} and me{on the right}. 
 I love this picture of you, Em. 

 Isn't she gorgeous?!
You should go check out her lovely blog



  1. love.. the first is super awesome!!

  2. I am in love with those shoes :O
    I love this post M'dear!!! (your awesome speach has rubbed off on me xD)
    Your hair is so gorgeous, and so are your photos!!!

    And don't worry about the design, I will be keeping it for a while ;)

    Love you!!


  3. these photos are so pretty! and those shoes are so cute! :)

  4. Your picnic photos are so lovely!

  5. I wouldn't last a day without your blog and seeing the world through your eyes ;)

    1. Haha, this means a ton to me! Thank you! You are so encouraging! :)))

  6. Lovely pictures! Sounds like a fun picnic! :) Going to go check out her blog right now. :)

  7. Hello Cindi,

    Did I ever say how much I love your posts. They are like a bottle of sunshine. Or even better, a bottle of stars (on a off-note, don't you love stars... they are so friendly, people say they feel small and insignificant when they look at the stars, I feel like I have a million friends in the sky).

    Anyway, back to the post, your picnic looks awesome. I'm a huge fan of picnics, though they don't usually happen so beautifully at our house. But yours is absolutely adorable. And that basket... too cool! Your pictures are so beautiful, and are those shoes from target? They look like the ones I've been coveting from there. ;)

    Your friend is really beautiful, though I have to say, my favorite picture is the one of your girls hair. Pretty!

    And, as always, your writing is beyond lovely! It complements your pictures perfectly.


    1. Haha. Have I ever told you how much I love your long comments? Well, I love them. Aw, yes, I love stargazing. Haha, yes, they are from Target. I am overly obsessed with them. They are not only cute, but they are also comfy. :)) Thank you so much for your sweet comment! :)

  8. Aw, lovely post my dear! :)

  9. I really like the first and last pictures. They capture the essence of photography (fun, happy) really well!

  10. We've got the same camera!

    Love the pictures, by the way.

  11. I love Em's blog, and I just found yours randomly, it's very sweet. :)
